Help Support Animals Affected by the Australian Wildfires
Scratching your head about what you can do to help desperate animals affected by Australia’s wildfires? Let us help. PCI team members care about the environment and take pride in helping conservation organizations around the world tell the stories of their incredible work to save wildlife and wild places. But perhaps no situation has touched our hearts as much as what is happening in Australia, where rampant bush fires have killed a staggering 1 billion animals and destroyed critical lands.
Animals that managed to survive are left in hot, barren lands with scarce food and shelter, and the collapsed ecosystem may yet doom some species to extinction.
We know the wildlife care team at Zoos Victoria in Melbourne, and they’re on the ground helping care for injured animals. The non-profit conservation organization fights extinction of Australia’s incredible wildlife every day, and now their veterinarians are in the field providing critical medical care and food support to wildlife. There is a desperate need for our help. Every dollar donated to the Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund is going to this lifesaving work. PCI and our team members have donated. Will you join us? Donate here:
Three other Aussie organizations also doing good work:
The Rescue Collective: